Wednesday, March 26, 2008

3M Leadership Institute

Hi All- Yesterday I had the absolute pleasure of attending the 3M Leadership Institute. I was lucky enough to be selected to attend (it was an application process) 100 library folk from around the US and Canada were in attendance. The focus, Leadership Development. I took at least 13 pages of notes! In that are a few "bumper stickers" I will share. We are supposed to receive the entire PowerPoint presentation via email soon. I will post it when I receive.
  • Good leadership produces dramatic results, innovation, and creativity.
  • Leaders develop leaders.
  • Leadership is an Art, Management is a Science. Both are necessary and neither are sufficient one their own to be successful in today's dynamic environments.
  • Management is the process of organizing things for effective and efficient completion of objectives... Managers are the master planners. Leadership is the energetic process that causes followers to change. Leaders are the catalyst in the change reaction.
  • Leadership is less about what you have; it's what you do with what you have.
  • All humans can learn to be leaders.
  • Quote from Dr. Fred Palensky, Chief Technical Officer 3M.... "In today's world you have to be a specialist AND a generalist....."
  • Those that lead libraries need to be engaged and build relationships with all key stakeholders (staff, customers, donors, board, affinity groups, politicians, etc...). Think 3 cups of tea. Sit down and have 3 cups of tea with someone; they all don't have to be in the same sitting.
In addition, I met library staff from a variety of levels from all of the country. From those conversations I have determined that CML, on the whole, rocks. We have soooo much that others want. We often lose sight of that as what makes us great is that we GSD. New acronym I learned at today's keynote address.... GET STUFF DONE (GSD)! The speaker didn't say stuff. You can figure it out. CML definitely is THE CML, the leader... Everyone I spoke to said, "You do floating collections? Can I have your card, we want to do that but haven't figured it out." Insert floating collections for.... 95% plus self-check, our new catalog, centralized collection development, reserves -- the CML way, HR practices, training, customer service, 360 Feedback, competencies, you name it they want to know how we do it. And I will sign off with the best quote of all.... CML is the hip library to work for!

More Pictures....

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